Aisin World Times Summer 2010
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Message from the President
Dear Team Members,

Hello, my name is Masayasu "Mike" Saito and, effective July 1, 2010, I became President of Aisin Holdings of America, Inc. and Aisin World Corp. of America. I succeed Mr. Kenji Tsujimura, who returns to Japan as Executive Managing Director of Aisin Light Metals. I’m very happy to return to the United States as I have many fond memories and experiences here.

I have been with AISIN for about 32 years; perhaps we have met at one time or another on my visits to AISIN facilities here, or your visits to Aisin Seiki in Japan.

Like many of you, my background is fairly diverse. I attended Nagoya University in Japan, where I earned a degree in Chemical Engineering. Since 2007 I have been managing officer of the Anjo plant and the Life & Energy sales division. The Anjo plant is a small facility where quality products, including special, non-spring mattresses, gas-engine-air-conditioners and shower toilet seats are manufactured. It was at the Anjo plant where I mastered the Toyota Production System and Toyota Way.

About 20 years ago, Aisin developed a high reliability electronic device with US semi-conductor maker, Elantec, in California. I was a team member of this project during which Aisin mastered the fundamentals of the semiconductor. 

Also, some 30 years ago as a young engineer, I was in Minneapolis for three months to develop a small automotive battery with the battery maker, Gould, Inc. We learned about battery technology and enjoyed Minnesota's beautiful, abundant nature. During my time there, my wife and I were blessed with the birth of our son, in 1982. (By the way, he was just married in May.)

These good experiences have had a significant impact on me; I do love it here in the USA and deeply respect the American people. My wife, daughter and pet dog will be joining me in the States in the fall. My daughter will attend the university to study English.

And, now, I have come full circle, and have become a freshman here once again. With your support, please join me in an effort for the continued development of AISIN in North America. Together let’s "Go and See," let's do what's best for the customer, while improving when and wherever possible.

Thank you for your support and good wishes. I look forward to working with you in the days ahead...


Masayasu “Mike” Saito

Masayasu Saito
Masayasu Saito
President, AWA
Message from ATC-A President

In May, Uchimoto-san left ATC-A as he was called back to Japan to head Aisin ComCruise, an embedded software company. I was asked and gladly accepted to take on the responsibility of presiding over ATC-A. I joined AISIN in 1978 and have been working in the field of drivetrain and transmission since. I am grateful for this opportunity and vow to do my best to ensure ATC-A its best possible future.

Looking towards our 2015 vision, I realize that we have a lot of work to accomplish, but I believe that, working together as a team, we can get there. We are already taking on more design responsibilities locally, and the trend is bound to accelerate. The development of products aimed at the American markets is shifting from Japan to America. Our new responsibilities will also entail complete product lifecycle support and liability. We need to be ready for it.

Our people are truly the key to our success. This is why, as you know, the first pillar of our 2010 company policy is the development of local expertise through training and knowledge transfer. I will work hard to ensure that we meet our goal to release drawings as well as take on the total lifecycle responsibility for the American markets products by 2015. But I cannot do this alone. It has to be a team effort.

One point I would like to emphasize is the need for ATC-A to continuously increase and improve the visualization and communication of what our targets are, what we have to do, what capabilities we have and what are the gaps so that we can address them.

Current economic conditions are very dynamic. These are very exciting times for ATC-A as the challenges ahead represent great opportunities. Together, we can build a better future by staying focused on our vision.

As I take on the presidency of ATC-A, I want to clarify that our 2015 vision has not changed and neither has our 2010 company policy.

As a reminder, the four pillars of our 2010 policy are:

  1. - Develop local expertise level
  2. - Support business expansion
  3. - Increase efficiency toward a robust organization, and
  4. - Strengthen the ATC-A team.
Please keep these in minds so we can all walk in the same direction and work toward the same goals.

Thank you for your continuous efforts and commitment.

Takashi Aoyama

Takashi Aoyama
Takashi Aoyama
President, ATC-A
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