Aisin World Times Winter 2010
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AWA in the News
  • The Gold Goes to AWA-LA, AWTEC
  • MOPAR Reman to Launch this Month
  • Aisin Does Paris
  • VIPs Visit Aisin Exhibit at AAPEX
  • AWA Receives Top Marketing Honors from AIA
  • Japanese Consul General Visits AWA, FTTA
    The Gold Goes to AWA-LA, AWTEC

    The Genuine Parts Division (OES Team) of AWA-Los Angeles was presented the 2010 Toyota Quality Alliance (TQA) Gold Award from Toyota Motor Sales USA.

    This honor is awarded to parts and accessory suppliers that consistently excel in key areas, including Quality, Technical Development, Program Management, Delivery, Invoicing, Marketing, and Warranty. The parts supplied by AWA-LA to TMS include remanufactured clutch, remanufactured water pumps, new water pumps, brake pads, spoilers, cross bars and cruise controls.

    More than 100 automotive suppliers were evaluated under TQA guidelines for 2010. One supplier received the Platinum Award; six received Gold Awards. AW Transmission Engineering USA (AWTEC) also received a 2010 Gold Award, when TMS executives visited this fall. The OES Team is AWTEC's proud sales representative to TMS.

    Exceptional communication, strong relationships, consistent follow up, enthusiastic customer support, and constant improvements of operational systems by each member of the OES Team were the keys to earning a near perfect TQA rating and the Gold Award. According to the OES Team, the recognition would not have been possible were it not for the dedication and support of the personnel in AWA-LA Customer Service, Import/Export, Accounting/ Administration and Product Management departments.

    The OES Team also sends special thanks to upper management and the people of AWA Detroit, ATC-A, Aisin Seiki Aftermarket Department, Liberty Mexicana, AWA Cincinnati, AACT, AEI, ADVICS NA, and the Hitachi Warehouse for its commitment and support of the OES Team.

    MOPAR Reman to Launch this Month

    The Genuine Parts Division (OES Team) of AWA LA in cooperation with Special Markets headed by Mike Gilpin has been awarded the remanufactured A466 automatic transmission program by MOPAR. AWTEC will remanufacture the AISIN SEIKI transmissions. This creates a new customer for AWTEC and helps to further strengthen the prosperous relationship between AWA and AWTEC. This is also the first time Aisin has established direct business with MOPAR. The launch is scheduled to take place this month.

    Aisin Does Paris

    The Paris International Motor Show is one of the top automotive events in the world. Ranked with Detroit, Frankfurt, Geneva and Tokyo, Paris has been unveiling the world's finest automobiles for more than 100 years. Like its host city, the show is also known for exquisite design and fashion, and attracts thousands of media and industry executives from around the world.

    In addition to the hundreds of production, concept and super cars unveiled at the Paris Motor Show, which is held bi-annually and alternates with Frankfurt, the event is also a global stage for leading suppliers, tuners and manufacturers of automotive accessories. The Aisin Group for many years has used the show as a venue to hold press conferences to reveal products and technologies to worldwide media and industry audiences.

    Aisin was prominently positioned again at the most recent Paris show and, while no press conference was held, the eye-catching exhibit was used to explain current Aisin products and technologies to the automotive press, and also as a meeting place with customers.

    The Aisin Group exhibit at the 2010 Paris Motor Show.

    VIPs Visit Aisin Exhibit at AAPEX

    Aisin World Corp. of America has been a longtime exhibitor at the Automotive Aftermarket Products Expo (AAPEX), the largest and most important aftermarket show in North America.

    In recent years Aisin Seiki has also demonstrated its support of AWA's participation at AAPEX with visits from top company officials, including Aisin Seiki Chairman Kanshiro Toyoda in 2008, and Aisin Seiki Vice Chairman Yasuhito Yamauchi, who attended AAPEX this month with AWA President Masayasu Saito. It was the second visit for Yamauchi-san, the first for Saito-san, according to John Koenig, AWA executive vice president.

    "It's always encouraging when company leadership takes the time to demonstrate its interest and support of our endeavors, in this case our growing effort and success in the aftermarket business," says Koenig. "I think it's safe to say that both Yamauchi-san and Saito-san were impressed at the quality and appearance of AWA's exhibit, and professionalism of its team."

    From left to right, Chuck Pariano, John Koenig, Atsushi Suzuki, Aisin Seiki Managing
    Officer Hiroaki Tatematsu, Aisin Seiki Vice Chairman Yasuhito Yamauchi, AWA
    President Mike Saito, Bob Clark, Kevin Lin, and Rene Ocegueda.

    AWA Receives Top Marketing Honors from AIA

    The Auto International Association (AIA), the international segment of the Automotive Industry Association, presented top honors to AWA in the Product Marketing award category at the 2010 AAPEX show in Las Vegas. AWA’s aftermarket ad, “Pure Bloodlines Run Deep when it comes to Family,” noted for its originality and creative design, was given first place for “best merchandising and advertising” of products for import cars and trucks in 2010.

    Winners of the 2010 awards program were introduced at a press conference and luncheon at AAPEX, while award entries were displayed in a high traffic area of the Sands Convention Center lobby for maximum company exposure.

    The AIA Industry Awards program recognizes manufacturers and marketers for excellence in developing high quality products and innovative marketing programs for import cars or trucks. From products that enhance performance, appearance, or convenience, to the cataloging, merchandising, and advertising that create awareness and fuel demand.

    From left to right, AWA’s Kevin Lin, Bob Clark, President Mike Saito, and John Koenig celebrate the AIA award;
    above right, the winning entry prominently displayed in the AAPEX/AIA Product Showcase.

    Japanese Consul General Visits AWA, FTTA

    AWA was proud to host the honorable Kuninori Matsuda, Consul General of Japan, for a meeting and building tour, Nov. 15, 2010.

    AWA President Mike Saito and ATC-A President Takashi Aoyama presided over the meeting with Matsuda-san, which was also attended by Atsushi Onishi, Masonori Saso, Tom Nakamura, Chuck Sanders, Mike Lapinski, and Kato-san, president of AWTEC, and other management members.

    Discussion topics included anticipated impact of midterm elections, US-Japan trade agreements, government affairs, and community relations.

    At the conclusion of the meeting at AWA, Matsuda-san invited Saito-san, Aoyama-san and the Aisin team to visit the Japanese Consulate in the coming weeks. The delegation also visited FTTA and received a tour of the Fowlerville Proving Ground.

    The Japanese Consulate in Detroit was established in 1993 as a result of the increasing number of Japanese residents and businesses in Michigan and Ohio. Approximately 500 Michigan businesses and 400 Ohio businesses are wholly or partially Japanese owned. Accordingly, more than 17,000 Japanese citizens reside in the two states.

    Among the missions of the Consulate are supporting these residents, promoting trade and business development between Japan and the US, and nurturing the relationship currently enjoyed through various educational and cultural activities.

    Matsuda-san assumed his current position as Consul General in Detroit in 2010. His assignments include Director of Overseas Public Relations, Director of Russian Affairs, and Minister at the Embassy of Japan in Israel.

    From left to right, Kato-san, Aoyama-san, Matsuda-san, Saito-san, and Horie-san.

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