Aisin World Times Spring 2013
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  • Dawn Reamer receives appointment from Governor Snyder
  • Hello from Haiti
    Dawn Reamer receives appointment from Governor Snyder

    Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder recently appointed AHA in-house legal counsel, Dawn Reamer, to the Michigan Statewide Independent Living Council (SILC). The 15-member council ensures statewide representation of citizens with disabilities.

    "These appointees are dedicated, knowledgeable professionals, and I am confident they will do great work on behalf of the Great Lakes State and its citizens with disabilities,” said Snyder.

    Reamer, who is one of six new appointees, said she was selected by the governor because of her personal experience and commitment to working with persons with disabilities.

    "I became involved in working with persons with disabilities in both high school and college," said Reamer. "I have experience with Special Olympics, and also in a group home setting. I have always wanted to advocate on behalf of this community of people, and help ensure their right to self determination."

    Reamer, who joined AHA in May, 2011, will represent parents and guardians of individuals with disabilities during her three-year commitment on the SILC.

    AWA President John Koenig said Aisin is pleased to have Reamer participate in these activities, based on its support and commitment to CSR.

    "Dawn's involvement with the SILC is another positive example of Aisin team members doing good things in the community," said Koenig. "Community service is an Aisin tenet, and it continues to be committed to a number of External Affairs initiatives, each of which improve the quality of life of those around us."

    Hello from Haiti

    Last year, AWA's Patty Alley (EDI Specialist) and her husband, Jeff, took a life-changing step by moving temporarily to Haiti to support the work of the Have Faith Haiti Mission. The mission was established in the 1980s as The Caring and Sharing Mission, and renamed in 2010 when operations were taken over by Detroit journalist, Mitch Albom, and his "A Hole in the Roof Foundation." The goal of the mission is to provide a safe, nurturing environment for Haitian children who do not have one. Children are cared for medically, nutritionally, educationally and spiritually. They are taught in both French and English, with a goal of achieving at least a high school diploma. Christian prayer and guidelines are a part of their daily life, as is a sense of giving back to the mission though work and responsibility. Recently, Aisin World Times checked in with Patty for an update on her work in Haiti; she provides the following report.

    Hello from Haiti
    by Patty Alley

    Six months ago Jeff and I left our jobs, family, friends and comfortable lives to volunteer at an orphanage in Port Au Prince, Haiti. We have committed to being the "Mom and Dad" to 22 beautiful children here. We also get to share them with our family and friends, and most of all we get to love them and receive love from them. They have changed our lives and will be part of us forever.

    The children at our orphanage receive three meals a day, a bed, clean clothes, schooling, lots of love, and a feeling of security. This is not the case outside our walls. Most Haitians live in a one room tent with dirt floors, and without water, electricity, and toilets. When we go out we are reminded of why it is so important to have a place like the Have Faith Haiti Mission for these kids.

    We have committed to taking the children on several field trips during our time in Haiti. Recently they have gone to a playground, a soccer field and also to a museum. The kids love it! Most had never been outside the mission since they arrived here three or more years ago. No matter where we go, they often ask: "Miss Patty, can you take me to see the ocean?"

    Can you imagine living on an island and never seeing or swimming in the ocean? Sadly, that is their reality. We have decided to make this trip a priority. The cost is $1,500 USD. We have raised $750 and are well on our way. You are probably wondering why so much and why we want to do this with so many people needing basic necessities in Haiti?

    The answer is simple. We can't focus on saving a country, if we did we would fail miserably. But we can focus on making life better for 22 children that have been placed in our life and your life through us.

    So a trip to the ocean it is! They will get a chance to swim, snorkel and just play and have fun like every child should.

    We wouldn't be here doing what we are doing without the support and prayers from our family and friends. We consider Aisin to be part of that group. Your donations (monetary and physical) have helped us to help others. If you would like to donate or learn more about Have Faith Haiti Mission, just click on the link below. You can also donate to Jeff and I using our PayPal account. Or if you'd like to follow us and share our journey, find me on Facebook or our blog (which I am trying to get better at updating). We love questions and feedback, or even just an email to say hello.

    Hugs and Hope from Haiti.

    Jeff & Patty Alley

    Editor's Note:
    If you'd like to donate to Jeff and Patty's effort using the link above, please write "Ocean" or "Jeff and Patty" in the comment section. Thank you.

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