Aisin World Times Summer 2012
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Aisin in the Community
  • Aisin team members pitch in (again) to clean Rouge
  • Running for the Y
  • The right thing to do
    Aisin team members pitch in (again) to clean Rouge

    Twenty Aisin team members, from both AWA and ATC-A, woke up bright and early on a recent Saturday morning to beautify their community. Volunteers trickled into the parking lot of Wilcox Lake at 9:30 am. They arrived for neither pay or leisure, but to support the efforts of the Rouge River Rescue.

    The Rouge River runs 127 miles through southeastern Michigan. Until recently the River was heavily polluted, actually catching fire in 1969. Intense drainage problems in the late 20th century were caused by log jamming and illegal discharges of combined sewers. Within this contaminated watershed there are over 1.5 million people in 50 towns. Impressive consideration from surrounding communities has led to the 26th Annual Rouge River Rescue.

    At first, the 2nd Annual Aisin Rouge River Rescue seemed a bit dreary. Interest waned at the informational luncheon as Susan Vignoe of Plymouth Township discussed mud, potential heavy lifting and, just for fun, gators. However, Aisin members were not deterred, and gathered in full force, with friends and family in tow.

    Within an hour Team Aisin helped to successfully transform Wilcox Lake from an unsightly fishing pond to a recreation area with attractive waterfront vegetation. Supplied with compost from Plymouth Township and native perennial flowers from AWA External Affairs, Aisin members planted 70 new plants of five different species.


    The event was a great success and team-building effort, too, according to those who participated. Aisin team members said they are already looking forward to next year, and to the increased participation of their co-workers.

    -- submitted by Maddie Sullivan

    Running for the Y

    For the third consecutive year, Aisin partnered with the Plymouth YMCA as a sponsor of the 2012 Plymouth YMCA Father’s Day Run. Once again, many AWA and ATC-A team members participated in the run, which is now being supported annually by company runners and walkers.

    In addition to participants, AWA and ATC-A also provided volunteers to support water aid stations along the course.

    The Father’s Day Run is located in downtown Plymouth, and event organizers had a large turnout this year. Event proceeds go to the YMCA “Strong Kids Campaign," a scholarship program enabling the YMCA to provide needed financial assistance to children and families in the local community.

    Thanks to the following AWA and ATC-A members who participated as a runner or volunteer in the 2012 Plymouth YMCA Father’s Day Run:

    • T. Aoyama
    • E. Ronse
    • M. Lapinski
    • T. Matsuba
    • Y. Mizuno
    • M. Jurlin
    • H. Takakura
    • E. Archambeau
    • Y. Iwata
    • Mr. and Mrs. S. Hayashi
    • K. Bundoff
    • E. Thai
    • S. Koba
    • Y. Sprouse
    • M. St. Aubin
    • E. Nadachi
    • D. Testa
    • N. East

    The right thing to do

    Whether we're cleaning up the Rouge River, running for the YMCA, or playing golf for the benefit of underprivileged youth in Detroit, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is alive and well at Aisin.

    "CSR is a tenet of our company's value system and helping our communities is the right thing to do," said Mike Lapinski, vice president of AWA HR and External Affairs. "The most challenging aspect to CSR is not having the resources to help every organization that asks. We do our best for as many groups as possible, though, and feel pretty good about that."

    One of the most popular ways of contributing to an organization's fundraising efforts is through golf outings. Over the years, Aisin has participated in many outings with customers, community leaders, and media. Once again this year AWA will sponsor the "Paul W. Smith Classic," which benefits "Think Detroit PAL," an organization serving more than 10,000 children each year.

    For nearly 10 years, AWA has supported the Paul W. Smith Classic, which benefits Think Detroit PAL
    (formerly the Detroit Police Athletic League).

    Other organizations that have or will receive Aisin CSR support this year, include:

    • American Cancer Society - Cattle Barron’s Events
    • American Cancer Society - St. Baldrick’s Child Cancer Research Foundation
    • American Lung Foundation
    • Asian Pacific American Chamber of Commerce
    • Arthritis Foundation
    • Crime Stoppers
    • Detroit Hispanic Development Corp.
    • Ennis Center for Children
    • Evans Golf Scholars
    • First Robotics (Livonia Public Schools)
    • Golightly Career and Technical Center
    • Japanese Business Society of Detroit
    • Livonia Public Schools (FIRST Robotics)
    • Michigan Minority Supplier Development Council
    • Monroe International Friendship Association
    • National Minority Supplier Development Council
    • Plymouth Chamber
    • Plymouth Historical Society
    • Real Life Scholarships
    • SAE Foundation for Science & Technology
    • YMCA: Cincinnati, Plymouth, Torrance-South Bay

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