Aisin World Times Spring 2011
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  • Aisin Team Member Prepares for Second Mission Trip to Haiti
  • President’s Cup Bowling Tournament Brings Fun, Friendly Competition
    Aisin Team Member Prepares for Second Mission Trip to Haiti

    Editor's Note: When "Aisin World Times" was launched a few years ago, it was intended to help team members stay abreast of company news, hear from company leadership, and learn about Aisin's activities in the community. The newsletter also provides an informal and useful method for Aisin associates to learn more about each other -- personal interests, family, hobbies, passions. Such is the case in this issue, which features the humanitarian efforts of AWA's Patty Alley, and her work in Haiti.

    For the second time this year, Patty Alley, a member of AWA Detroit's IT/IS group, will travel to Haiti on a mission to help children at a local orphanage. The trip will take place toward the end of this year, and Alley and her colleagues, all part of the Crossroads Church, will work with children and other volunteers at the orphanage to provide care and support.

    In March, Alley traveled to Haiti with a team of 12 individuals from four states to assist with eye exams for people of all ages, providing eyeglasses to those who needed them. In just four days, the volunteers were able to examine more than 400 people (the eldest being 87) and supply eyeglasses to those in need.  

    For most Haitians, eyesight begins to deteriorate around the age of 27 due to harsh, tropical rays and exposure to disease. Such eyesight issues make it difficult to be functional members of society, but the work of Alley and other volunteers is helping residents to improve their vision and their lives. 
    Left, a smiling Haitian child smiles in appreciation of a bag of pinto beans;
    meanwhile, Dr. Dave prepares to fit a woman with a new pair of eyeglasses.

    On her upcoming trip, Alley will "carry in" donated items and personally deliver them to those in need. (See list below for items needed.) Because of the disarray in Haiti caused by the devastating 7.0 magnitude earthquake last year, life there is still very different from the rest of the world, says Alley. Basic things like access to clean clothing, food, medicine and healthcare are simply unavailable.

    At the orphanage, children receive some education, food once or twice a day, and a roof over their heads. This is often more than what some Haitian children receive at home with their families, but, says Alley, many of the children who "graduate" from the orphanage are able to use the education they received to help improve the lives of other children in the very situation they themselves escaped. 

    Alley says she's grateful for the support of family, friends, and her colleagues at Aisin. She says her exposure to Aisin manufacturing has allowed her to support physicians on the mission in an organized and efficient way.

    Alley's effort to raise funds and collect items for children at the Haitian orphanage will soon be underway. This time, the group also plans to take a sewing machine and fabric to make linens and sheets on site for children's mattresses.

    Items needed to support Patty Alley on her next mission to Haiti
    • Flip flops (used or new, any size)
    • Sunglasses (used or new)
    • Bed sheets or fabric (crib or twin)
    • Hand held mirrors, combs and picks (no brushes)
    • Vaseline
    • Hair ties
    • Bars of soap
    • Crayons and markers
    • T-shirts and shorts (used or new)
    • Children’s underwear (new only, please)
    • Monetary donations are also welcome for the purchase of additional items to take along, or to buy beans and rice for the orphanage.

    President’s Cup Bowling Tournament Brings Fun, Friendly Competition

    It didn't take long to realize this would be a successful event, especially when AWA President Mike Saito stepped up, concentrated intently in front of the hushed and respectful crowd, and rolled the first ball of the evening...

    Strike! and just like that, the festivities were underway.

    Three such AWA events were organized and held in Detroit, LA, and Seymour in March. Each event proved to be a successful morale booster, and brought team members together outside the office, with more than 140 people participating in all.

    Teams were assigned in order to maximize coworker introductions, and a 50/50 raffle was held at the Detroit event with half the money raised donated to support a fund for earthquake relief in Japan.

    The evening also brought out the best attire, biggest hair, fuzziest leg warmers, and skinniest neckties of the 80s... proving that the 80s are more popular now then they were, well, in the 80s. All in all, everyone had fun, and even Saito-san channeled the spirit.

    Later in the evening, Karaoke was provided in the lounge, and those that were able to stay had a great time.

    Congratulations to all the winners (who knew we had such good bowlers?), and all the participants for turning out to make the events so much fun in each city.

    As for the winners:
    First Place Team:B. Moriarty; T. Matsuba; A. Nankee; M. Wlotkowski (Detroit)
    Team Score:2232
    Second Place Team:K. Maeda; M. Minamoto; J. Downs; D. Johnides (Detroit)
    Team Score:2009
    Third Place Team:M. Handloser; M. Suzuki; A. Hatta; M. Takeda (Seymour)
    Team Score:2004
    Men’s High Game:M. Handloser (Seymour)
    Women’s High Game:K. Speer (Detroit)
    Men’s Overall Series Champion:M. Handloser (Seymour)
    Women’s Overall Series Champion:S. Katopodis (FTTA)

    Due to the positive response that received from the participants, another bowling tournament may be organized this fall.

    As for the next event, stay tuned for the President’s Cup Golf Tournament. Information will be released soon for this event, organized by Rick Gorski, winner of the 2010 President’s Cup.

    Kelly Speer rolled the women's High Game of 205, while Sharon Katopodis took the Overall Women's series and finished with a 522.

    First Place! Adam Nankee, Brian Moriarity, Mike Wlotkowski

    Second Place: Madoka Minamoto, Kaz Maeda, Joe Downs,
    and David Johnides

    Detroit bowlers

    LA bowlers

    Seymour bowlers

    Naoko Upham, Saito-san, Chuck Sanders, Mie Opolski

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